Tuesday 23 January 2018

Five Steps to Grace – Dennis Walker

Grace – Divine enabling to meet the need at hand.

We need God’s power for the provision of the many needs we face daily – whether it be the need for healing, deliverance, financial provision, wisdom, or favor. God’s provision for all these needs has already been given; we just need to learn to access it.

These five steps to seeing divine intervention will help anyone access what we have been given. (Freely you have received, freely give.)
  1. You must cry out to God. The truth is that many people miss God’s provision because they simply do not ask for it. They rely more on their own means and abilities than on God’s power.

  2. You must get quiet. Some people cry out but don’t know when to stop. You must get quiet because God’s usual means of provision is through instructions. You will find this throughout the Bible: God spoke to those who were listening for Him and brought miraculous intervention through instructions that had to be obeyed. While you are talking, God is silent! When you get quiet, God will speak!

  3. You must focus your thoughts on Him. It is easy to close your mouth, but not so easy to quiet your thoughts. In fact I believe that it is impossible to bring your mind to quietness; the more you try to quiet your thoughts the more they get out of control. So instead of fighting this losing battle just learn to focus your thoughts on Him. Colossians 3:1-2 says to “set your mind on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.” An easy means of focusing your thoughts is to just begin to see Jesus in your mind – setting your mind on Him.

  4. You must catch the initiative of Heaven. As you focus your mind on Him, a spontaneous flow of thoughts and pictures will come to your mind. This is God’s normal way of communicating His instructions. Jesus said in John 5:19 that “the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do. Whatever the Father does, the Son does just the same.” This is possibly the most ignored step in seeing God’s help show up for our needs. This vital step is often replaced with religious traditions, producing powerlessness.

  5. You must do the heavenly initiative on Earth. When you have received the initiative of Heaven, you must step into Hebrews 11:1, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” You make the things asked and hoped for “substance” by doing on Earth what you see or hear being done in Heaven. The instructions that God gives in the invisible realm, you bring into the visible by writing them, speaking them, or doing them on Earth. When you bring substance to the things hoped for, God will give the evidence of the invisible and coming Kingdom.

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