Friday 19 January 2018

5 Things Discovering Your Purpose Will Do For You

a.      Purpose gives meaning to your life. You begin to live the day you discover your purpose in life. The greatest tragedy is not death but life without meaning. You need hope to cope.

b.     Purpose simplifies life – it defines what you do and what you don’t do; a standard. It leads to peace of mind.

c.      Purpose focuses life – it focuses all your energy, skills, and intellect on what is important. You become effective by being selective. Without a clear purpose, you will keep changing jobs, friends, churches, directions or even marriages and other externals with the hope of finding fulfillment. There is nothing more powerful than a focused life, (e.g. magnifying lens can set grass on fire, and laser rays can cut through thick steel.) Don’t confuse activity with productivity; you can be busy and not effective.

d.     Purpose motivates life – Passion, energy and joy are results of purpose driven life.  Meaningless work not overwork wears us out, saps our strength and robs our joy.

e.      Purpose prepares us for eternity – no matter the legacy you are creating or the monument you have built; what matters most is not what the people are saying about you but what God says. Don’t forget; achievements are surpassed, records are broken, reputations fade and tributes are forgotten. Nobody will remember you or what you have done over time. We were not put on earth to be remembered, we are here to prepare for eternity.  God will one day asks us two vital questions;
                                i.            What did you do with My Son, Jesus Christ?
                             ii.            What did you do with what I gave you?

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