1. Driven by guilt
We are products of our past but not
a prisoner of it. If you keep playing the blame game, thinking about your
fault; you are wrongly driven and may not really enjoy living your life.
2. Driven by resentment and anger
Anger is hurtful. Resentment kills.
If you clam up resentment against someone; you’re internalising your problems,
hurting yourself and if you blow-up and explode on others; you are destroying
your relationship with the people. Resentment hurts you more than it hurts the
person who caused your pain. Just forgive and let it go!
3. Driven by fear
Traumatic experience, unrealistic expectations, growing up in a high-control
home, or even genetic predisposition can affect the way you live your life and the end result of this is fear.
Fear can make you lose great opportunities.
It is a self-imposed prison.
4. Driven by materialism.
The desire
to win it all, to have more with the belief that it will bring more happiness,
greater influence and more security. As newer, bigger and better versions are
made so will your happiness wane.
Your values are not determined by
your valuables.
Real security is not in our wealth;
it is in our relationship with God.
5. Driven by need for approval ...
allowing expectations of parents, spouses, teachers, friends to control your life is is heading for trouble, ad jeopardising your ability to live. Don’t worry about what others might think about you. If you follow the crowd;
you’ll get lost in it.
Trying to please everyone is a major
key to failure
Tending towards people’s opinion is
a sure way of missing God.
6. Driven by purpose ...
Purpose gives
meaning to your life, direction to your activities and reason to your events. Everybody who truly wishes to live needs a vision that can help determine his purpose for living.
Out of the six listed factors above; the only people that are truly living are the ones who possess the sixth factor. Others with the first five factors are only existing - not living.
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