Wednesday 17 January 2018

Seed of Time

William Shakespeare writes in Macbeth:
If you can look into the seed of time, and say which grain will grow, and which will not, speak then to me”
Act 1 Scene 1, Line 58.

In the year 2001, evil workers executed their barbarian act against humanity in the United States of America.  They razed down multi-storey edifice, the World Trade Centre; killed several people, rendered more people sorrowful and traumatised claiming it was a war against USA . Can someone tell me if it was only Americans that died in the execution of evil agenda? 

So sad; women cried, children wailed, men sobbed, hearts malfunctioned, fear loomed, shame uncovered, Americans became jittery and Osama Bin Laden suddenly became a superman (sorry, a much sought terrorist!).  That one act increased the numbers of fatherless children, motherless babies, orphans, handicap, traumatised … O ho …

Pity! Americans generosity was abused, their fair deal was blamed, and equality was termed disparity and the mighty Americans, carefree Yankees, prayer-less elites went on their knees, held hands sought the face of God who blessed their countries and gave the land to their founding fathers.  Let’s hold our breath for 10 seconds.  May the souls of all that died rest in perfect peace.

Have they learnt?
God really blessed America … Her foundation was laid on the truth of the gospel … The value of Americans was determined by the Biblical principles and moral virtue handed down by their ancestors … Without Jesus Christ; America is doomed … Immorality is a sin … Sin is a reproach to any nation.

And what fruit would we reap of the seed been sown by Americans in our time? Pornography … temples of gods … filthy acts … arbitrary sex habits … uncultured schools and children … gun totting and trigger-happy youths … drugs … lewd lyrics … nudity instead of modesty in the name of fashion … et al.

O’ the people of God … America needs revival; a stitch in time saves nine.  Americans need to have a rethink … when a man quarrels and fights with all-and-sundry; he needs to check himself properly if all is well with him.  Will you join me in praying for the United States of America (God’s own country)? 

Revival is coming to America … I see the glory of God enveloping the nation once more … I see American thirsty and hunger after righteousness … I see the day when there will be faithful and thorough searching for the Word of God … now and forever in Jesus’ name.

We have hope:

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14.

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