Thursday 18 January 2018

RIDDLE: The Story of a Confused Traveller

One day a man got tired of the hassles and bustles of his country, made for another country in search of greener pasture. He had been trekking for hours when a horse-rider raced by on his horse without saying hello. He looked confused, and decided to rest for a while when a frog leaped from a corner and asked the man, “Did you see a horse-rider pass this side?” The man replied in affirmative when the frog added, “That was the exact man I want to catch up with … See you later!” It concluded and leapt ahead as the man wondered, “Can a frog ever catch-up with a horse?”

He got up, continued on his journey when he ran into another mystery: A man was piling a heap of wood, he waited to offer help to the wood-gather but instead the gatherer kept running back into the bush to fetch more woods saying, “This will never be enough!” The journey walker looked at him amazingly and asked, “Can he carry what he has heaped already?”

He left the scene and moved ahead, looking for a shady tree to take refuge from the hot afternoon. He had covered up to thirty miles when he saw a shrubby baobab tree, ran into its shade thinking of taking a nap, but he discovered that underneath the shade was even hotter than the outside, in the sun. “What a mystery?” He asked himself.

He decided, continued his journey, as he felt thirsty praying to God to set a stream before him or let him see an oasis filled up with water. He felt his prayer answered when he saw three wells dug side-by-side. He picked the water drawer he found by the side of the wells, peeped into the middle well only to discover there was no drop of water in it. Inquisitively, he looked into the remaining wells and found water in them but as he was about to draw water from one of them; water in the two extreme wells sprang like a fountain feeding themselves without any dropping into the middle (empty) well. “What a life!” He asked wondered as he decided seeing enough.
On getting to his destination, he sought a prophet who interpreted the findings to the traveler.

Mystery 1
The horse-rider in scene one represents the world and the frog, the people of the world. Man will continue to chase the world but he will never meet-up till he dies.”
Mystery 2
The wood gatherer in the second scene connotes striving man and the wood gathered is his accumulated wealth. He will never be satisfied with wealth till death terminates his strivings and life.
Mystery 3
The third scene shows man’s perception of the rich and wealthy of this world. You can never know the extent of their personal problems until you move closer them.”
Mystery 4
The two extreme wells are the ‘Well-to-do’ of this world and the middle (empty) well represent the poor. The Rich will be getting richer and poor getting poorer.

Note: Brethren, what is it that troubles your heart? Do you need solutions to your problems? Without Jesus, you will still be running from pillar to post, and there will be no solution. He is calling you today, answer him; He is the only solution to world’s problem.

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