Wednesday 17 January 2018

Do This For Better Rewards

In financial management, there is an aspect in Investment Appraisal that says that there is at least one-percent risk involved in every investment. Accountants claim that if the risk is not visible, it is feasible due to what they tagged “Acts of God”, which might be fire disaster, war, or deaths.

Risk literally means danger involved in taking a course of action. “You can’t eat your cake and have it” is a popular maxim, meaning that a risk is involved in not eating the cake and facing hunger. There are two ends to every action, and in my tribe, it is said that, “a child that runs for work cannot escape poverty.” Definitely, he must have a portion of the share.

There was once a woman with six grown-up boys that were not working but rely solely on their widowed mother for everything. The woman always said to the kids, “Your father died wretched because he couldn’t take a risk”, but those words had no effect on the boys until one night when the woman returned home late from an engagement, and all the boys were expecting her to return before finding something to eat. The woman returned angrily and barked out at the kids, “You bunch of lazy kids; you don’t want to risk anything! You will die in abject poverty like your father who couldn’t risk anything!”

The woman gave the kids food, went inside to sleep, but one of the boys neither ate nor slept throughout the night. At the dawn of the next day, he set on a journey. As he was opening the front door, the mother peeped out, and asked, “Where on earth are you going at an odd hour like this?” The boy looked back and responded, “I want to take a risk !”. The woman watched him move out and said, “Best of luck !”
Two years later, the guy returned home with money and clothes for the family, and said, “The reward of the risk”. The risky move made the guy one of the richest businessmen of his time.

Dare take a risk, there is a reward waiting at the end of the journey. Little drops of water form a mighty ocean; you have dreamed enough, do something meaningful with your time and life, it pays! Practical problems need practical solutions. It is not everything to be prayed about – faith without work is dead. Risk it now! No pain, no gain. It was a risk for Jesus to die for us. Receive Him and have His blessings.

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