Monday 18 February 2019

The Perfect Love (part 1)

Love is an intense fondness or deep devotion to someone or relationships or objects. Love is not only in words; it’s an expression, an act … or a deed.  You have heard and read about different love stories including that of Saint Valentine; some are exaggerated and some are diluted, either to hide the truth or to make it romantic – but this is sure; “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16 It was prophesied 600 years before it happened – and it is still true many years after it occurred.

Types of Love 
There are different types of love – Eros, Philo and Agape 

Eros, from which the word eroticism or erotic is taken, is a sensual, stimulating, or erogenous type of love. It is majorly expressed through emotional exchange such as sexual intercourse or love making which is not bad for legally married couples but morally and spiritually unfit for unmarried people because it may be pleasurable in the beginning but it will be bitter in the end. Sex outside marriage has an ungodly attachment which may be exploitation, cheating, abuse, disappointment, disgrace, pain, unforgiveness, trap, blackmail, murder – or even death. 
The best way to overcome it is to avoid it and if you have been engrossed in it, stop immediately. Proverbs 6:32 as paraphrased says that anyone who engages in sexual immorality is an utter fool because s/he intentionally destroys his/her own soul. Avoid the trap of fornication (making love when you are not married) or adultery (extra-marital sex, infidelity, betrayal). 
Any partner or friend who loves you will love your soul and if s/he loves your soul, s/he will not pester you with sex. 

The second type of love is Philo, from which the word Philadelphia is coined. It is best interpreted as ‘brotherly or fraternal love.’ Philo is a great kind of love that shares the burden of others. It sympathises and empathises, gives and cares, supports and sponsors, feeds and feels. 
On its bedrock, most families are held together, organisations grow, communities thrive and churches are kept warm. 
Philo is sweet when there is equality in its sharing formula and it is sweeter when it can be reciprocated but it is sweetest when you are the one making the sacrifice because it is more blessed to give than to receive or else, you will become a parasite. It is expected of everyone to practice this type of love – are you? 

The Agape, God’s type of love is the most phenomenal thing that has happened to mankind. It is unconditional, it is free, and it is life – full of joy, filled with hope and peace.
The most beautiful thing about agape is that while Philo is expecting something, agape surrenders all. 

As God surrenders all, He wants us to surrender all. When you show love, let no strings be attached – this is why agape is better than philos. God is love and love is God. 

And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” 
1 John 4:16 

God lives in the hearts of those that care to love. This is true for all eternity; when God’s love overwhelms you, all you want to do is to love in return. Nobody practices the nature of God in him/her if s/he doesn’t know how to love. 

Imagine a boy with a broken leg; if a doctor sets the bone – that is kindness, he only does his job but if the bone is set by his mother - she would do it with lovingkindness, because it takes more. That is how God has dealt with us ... tenderly

And that is how we should deal with others.

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