Friday 7 October 2016


Some say they are faithful, whereas, they are fateful. They simply lie to themselves about ther situations - easily resign to fate and say they have accepted the situation as faith. If you had been held in such an abyss, here are seven little points to help you discover whether your are resigning to fate or accepting faith and trusting God for a better tomorrow ...
Resignation to fate or Acceptance of faith
1.      Resignation surrenders to fate whilst Acceptance surrenders to faith that God can change all situations
2.      Resignation lies down quietly in an empty universe, does nothing but Acceptance rises up to meet the God who fills the universe with purpose
3.      Resignation says, “I can’t” while Acceptance says, “God can!
4.      Resignation paralyses life process but acceptance releases the process for its greatest creativity
5.      Resignation says, “What a waste!” while acceptance asks, “In what redemptive way will GOD use this mess?”
6.      Resignation says, “It’s all over for me” while acceptance asks, “Now that I’m here, what’s next, Lord?”
7.      Resignation says, “I am alone!” and acceptance declares, “I belong to you Lord!

Only in acceptance lies peace ... not in resignation
Creath Davis

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