Wednesday 21 September 2016

I have no word of appreciation for RCCG but an admonition --- Bayo Akinjiyan


Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the press. I want to welcome you to this place again exactly four weeks after our first meeting which was to highlight two major issues with the authorities of RCCG. I bring you an update on these.

The fact that until now, there has been no official statement by RCCG in reaction to the issues raised in the media in the first place was an admission of all the facts placed before the public by the church. They knew what evil they did to me, but God turned it for my good. The only response to this came through a phone call five days after the press conference from the Asst General Overseer AGO (Admin & Personnel) - Pastor J.F Odesola requesting for a meeting with me, at my convenient time and place, on behalf of Pastor E.A Adeboye, the General Overseer (G.O) who he said was traveling out on ministerial assignment. As a mark of courtesy for the office of the caller and the person who sent him to me, I agreed to meet with him the following day at his house at Redemption Camp. I spoke with my lawyer who agreed to the arrangement with a word that any legal issue arising from the meeting be referred to him. At the meeting, he apologized on behalf of the G.O for his inability to personally meet with me and his desire to resolve the matter amicably without recourse to the court of law. My immediate reaction was to ask if Pastor Adeboye was aware of all the letters earlier sent to him, an answer he (Odesola) could not give.

He showed me a letter written by the church, acknowledging the transfer of our house at plot 15 Diligence Rd Redemption camp to the church and a cheque of the value requested from Christ the Redeemer's College with an attached letter stating in part that the payment was made on "compassionate grounds ..." My immediate reaction was to object to the letter as I was duly appointed by the Board of Governors of the college with documentary evidence and I discharged my duties diligently and responsibly and hence should be paid based on works and services rendered to the college. He promised to effect the change and he asked how he could further reach me on the issues, I directed him to get in touch with my lawyer for further discussions if need be. He requested for the lawyer's contact phone number which I later sent via sms and e-mail where I indicated that the church had a window of discussion which would be left opened till 9am on Friday 19th August, 2016.

We exchanged pleasantries and I made some suggestions on how to avoid such unpleasant situations like the one on ground in the future. The meeting was witnessed by his wife and one of my godly seeds who requested that the church pay us compensation beyond just giving a letter of acknowledgement bearing in mind what we had been made to pass through. Pastor Odesola, who appeared more political than I used to know of him, was very warm to us and promised to communicate this to the G.O.

The legal dept of the RCCG headed by one Titi Adegbile together with Pastor Odesola later turned the episode into a melodrama such as posting fallacious internal communications between them on the social media for reasons best known to them.

A recent update from my lawyer indicated that he, the lawyer accepted the cheque for payment for my consultancy fees in exchange for my company's official receipt No. 700 dated 22nd August 2016 for 'Architectural consultancy services on CRC projects (2009-2012)' a copy which was received and stamped by the legal dept. of the church while he signed for them that there will be no further litigation by either party and that it was paid on 'compassionate' grounds which he later explained was to safe the face of the church having boxed themselves into a tight corner. At a time, the church demanded for an invoice duly signed by the chairman of the college board of Governors before they could pay my fees. I explained to them that consultants don't have to give invoice since they provide services and are not selling sand, gravel, cement or television sets, and also the fact that the college released more than five times the money I was requesting as fees to me for project execution without any signed invoice by the Board chairman and even without receipt of acknowledgement for the payment. They also held on to a letter sent to the college in 2012 that the college was not owing any individual or organization. I explained that this was with respect to a report on artisans and tradesmen that we engaged on the projects and not my fee as I was still engaged as their Architect as at that time and I still consulted for them even after the said letter was written. My lawyer also received a cheque on the house according to the church as ex gratia payment 'for the sake of the kingdom', representing less than 15% of the present value of the property at Plot 15 Diligence Road Redemption Camp. With the church having accepted the reality on the ground by acceding to our demands, the issues hopefully have been laid to rest.


The RCCG has blazed the trail in church planting and massive drive for membership through diverse evangelistic programmes especially in the last two decades. This no doubt is lofty and praise worthy. The church has brought meaning to what a visionary leadership represents. From a modest beginning in 1981 with less than forty branches when the present leadership took over the saddle, the church is virtually in every country around the world today. Glory be to God. I would like to salute the doggedness of the leadership of the church headed by the General Overseer, Pastor E.A Adeboye.

Why bordering yourself giving counsel, having left the church and having got your consultancy fees paid? Let them run their church the way they feel, you might say. No, it's not about me or the consultancy fees requested but about a divine prophetic mandate given to me to the body of Christ and Nations of the world. I could just have kept quiet at this time or allow the matter to die naturally but God won't be happy with me. He said, son of man, draw their attention to their present state. If they repent, I will spare them. If they don't, their sins will be upon them. The church has risen to a level that whatever happens to it has a great impact on the body of Christ, around the world. I decided to take the route I had taken in the past few weeks after much prayers and when I was convinced beyond doubt that God is behind it. I wish RCCG well. There is no way I would write my autobiography without giving due attention to my adventure in this organisation where I spent a greater part of my youthful life even more than the time I spent with my parents or in all the higher institutions of learning I attended all put together.

Why not seek the G.O's attention and suggest these privately to him? I have written over ten letters without any evidence that he got them as they were not acknowledged. From the events of the past few weeks, it has been proved that the only legitimate way to get Pastor Adeboye's urgent attention is through the media. It's been proved that you can't see him even at his request unless those who surround him made it possible.

A top official of the church advised me to be bringing my tithes to the G.O, attend their meetings and then it would be easy for me to meet with him. Methinks that I've had enough of that for 23 years. I desire to see more of Jesus now more than ever before.

This is why I'm making the following suggestions open. I make them with the best of intentions and also as directed by God to warn the church to sit up. It is not for any personal vain glory:

1. Structural review to enabling e communications to and from the leadership of RCCG to get to the desired destinations. There are so many Pastor Bayo Akinjiyans within their system, who have for so long been suffering in silence with no courage to cry out for justice. With the gargantuan size of RCCG, the newly appointed AGOs should be empowered to act decisively on some issues and only give feedback to the top. An enduring structure should be put in place immediately. I reliably learnt that there is now a complaints commission. I hope they 'll be empowered to act decisively. I also would like to suggest that the phone numbers of the G.O's Secretary and that of his Personal Assistant should be in the public domain. Please sir allow your people to get to you. Many of them are being oppressed on daily basis and their cries have reached the high heavens.

2. Many of RCCG senior pastors both at home and abroad are nice, refined and godly, but some of them have become larger than life pastors who have graduated to become provincial principalities and regional terrorists. Ask me of my experience, I'll write you a book to read. God is against every form of oppression and injustice. Pastor Adeboye needs to do something fast on these demi-gods who have bought their way into leadership positions and have become untamable and uncontrollable. They sit over mega churches and have access to questionable wealth. I'm sure he knows them.

3. Need to review the rules bordering on home ownership at Redemption camp. Times have changed and only God remains unchangeable. Anyone exiting the mission without blemish and have served acceptably should be given the opportunity of his house being bought over by the Mission or sold at the prevailing market price to church members, provided his immediate family supports this in writing. The present scenario of losing your house if you leave the church calls for an urgent review as it is anachronistic, unprogressive, slavish and outrightly unjustifiable. This can't be done in Redemption Camp at Fortsworth, Dallas in the USA For those who saw my actions of building in church owned land as foolish, well I don't blame you. Some of us who bought into this idea of building on camp ground in the first place are hurt by the fact that the church took undue advantage of us. Please carry out a survey on the present residents to know their fears and feelings.

4. A forensic audit should be carried out from time to time on RCCG Mission affiliated ministries- Christ the Redeemer's Ministries, (CRM) and its agencies such as schools, bookshops, supermarkets, university and others. If pastors in charge of parishes cannot buy a bottle of coke for themselves with church money after a laborious Sunday service without being queried by auditors, same should apply elsewhere. What is good for the goose, is also good for the gander. What do you say in a situation where a school principal could single handedly award a contract of repainting a block of classroom, clinic and small crèche of the size of a 3 bedroom flat, a dining hall (seating less than 500) for a whopping sum of N8.438Million Naira. This is why many of the church members can't afford to send their children to these high fee paying mission schools. It's a shame! Are those in authority aware of this malfeasance? When you see them, please ask them. Please sir, sanitize the system so that God can answer the prayers of the saints.

5. Appointment into positions within the church and affiliate agencies should purely be on merit. People who are appointed into positions on other considerations by the church leadership tend to abuse the system and most often uncontrollable by the board or authority overseeing them. Family members should only be appointed into positions if they are qualified but not all positions. In the light of this, could there be consideration for an appointment into the position of AGO Finance?

6. The church should avoid double standard. Same yardstick should be used for everybody. Please sir, permit me give one or two instances here: a celebrity pastor was allegedly forced to resign a few years back because he went into a second marriage while the first wife walked out on him. What difference does that make to another pastor, a widower who was allegedly joined in 'holy' matrimony by the church to a divorced woman with three children from the first marriage while the first husband is still alive? Except that one took place in Nigeria, and the other in the USA. Or what do you say of a pastor who was allegedly asked to refund less than N5,000 which was unaccounted for during an audit exercise of his church while a foreign mission director was alleged to have collected $10,000 for a mission field abroad only to part with 40% of it to the missionary on ground out of which his (director) accommodation and honorarium were paid? The remaining 60% according to him was for the 'people at home'. Meanwhile the missionary was made to sign for $10,000.00. No audit for such money transited? There should be no sacred cows. We are all equal before God.

7. Finally, it is time for the church to become more relevant to the needs of her members and the society especially at this trying times in our Nation. More efforts should be geared at giving back to the society. After 64 years of her existence, more is expected from RCCG. The annual budget of RCCG is alleged to be higher than that of some states in the federation. Please sir, kindly look into provision of more scholarships for indigent but brilliant students, lower school fees in schools owned and operated with mission fund, free skill acquisition for your youths and women in urban and rural communities throughout the Nation, better welfare package for full time staff and junior part time pastors below the rank of Zonal pastors, investment in hospital ministry through provision of drugs, hospital equipment and cancer screening Centres for members and the general public. Immanuel recreational park at the Redemption camp is a misplaced priority project; grossly under utilized and please sir, no gate fee should further be charged. Let those children enjoy the investments of their parents. There is no point for pastors riding expensive cars in the midst of hungry looking church members or building a gargantuan worship Centre, that will soon be burnt by fire at the imminent coming of the Saviour, it is abomination to pack in members who barely feed once a day in glass cathedrals. Ministry has gone beyond only gathering crowds in millions to impacting them with the word of life, raising disciples and meeting their emotional and financial needs through support systems. After all, how many auditoria did Jesus build? He gathered the people, taught them scriptures, gave them food and dispersed them. Please don't misunderstand me for speaking the truth. Your best friend would tell you what you need to hear. Your worst enemy would tell you what you want to hear. Again, I wish RCCG well


Ladies and gentlemen of the press, let me start by thanking God Almighty, Jehovah Sabbaoth for His grace, strength and courage to speak up at this time and for fighting for me. To Him alone be all glory, honour and adoration for evermore. I also thank the media- mainstream print media, particularly Punch Newspapers (Saturday Punch) and online media- especially Sahara Reporters and others who against fear and intimidation braced all odds and gave the first media conference a wide readership. You have proved to be the voice of the voiceless.

I will also like to thank International Press Centre (IPC) for providing their press centre free of charge and giving this coverage every available support. To the chairman of IPC, Mr. Lanre Arogundade, who had always been on the side of truth and justice right from his 'great Ife' days and his team, I say kudos.

I cannot fail to appreciate all my family, friends, brethren around the world especially those who called, prayed and identified with me on the social media despite the challenges of being ostracized by your church, I salute your courage. May God bless you always, all ways. Thanks to all NGOs who offered help and advocacy.

Pastor Adeboye
I have no word of appreciation for RCCG but an admonition that the church should repent and ask God for forgiveness. The rod of the wicked shall not rest on the lot of the righteous. That's what God says in His holy words. "...Oh, my lord, if God is with us, why is all this befallen us ?..." The church needs to examine itself in view of recent but strange events happening around her. Spiritually speaking, the ship of the church is sailing fast towards the abyss in the dangerous waters of the Bermuda Triangle and only divine intervention and prayers of saints can avert the imminent cataclysm. Forget about all the propaganda of foreign programmes, crowd gatherings and all the hypes, the chicken will soon come to roost.

Should I thank the church that has devalued my professional fee by over 50% due to 4years of delayed payment? Should I thank the church that guesstimated the value of a property and paid what is less than 15% of the open market value? What is left in a once beautiful church now turned into RCC of Greed, that has turned a house of prayer for all nations into a den of thieves on the expressway.

This is the harvest of the seed of injustice, oppression and hate that they have planted and nurtured over the years. I know some must have learnt one or two lessons from my adventure. I thank God for His enabling grace this much. Drawing inspiration from the story of Joseph in Genesis chapter 41, I forgive and forget all the afflictions I had suffered in the hands of my 'brothers' in RCCG, I move on. I am as strong as I was twenty six years ago I when I joined the church. God has vindicated me and He has made me to forget the afflictions of the past. No man can destroy my destiny. I refuse to be dragged to their level but chose to rise above it and tap into God's unlimited grace. He has brought me this far not to abandon me. Nobody can defeat me as I have the Spirit of God in me. No one can curse a man blessed by God. I let go what men have done against me as all have started working together for my good. I continue the journey into my glorious destiny. I release them. I leave my case in the hands of the best Advocate and He will always answer for me.

Thank you ladies and gentlemen of the press, God bless you.

September 9 at 4:12am · Public




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