Tuesday 27 September 2016


Many people are growing up without maturing. They are going extra miles without making headway. Their problem is that they box God in a cage and limit His power to work wonders in them.  
God, from the Bible days, have appeared to ordinary people and turn them into extraordinary beings.

There are times I also belittle myself, For example, when I was to launch out in ministry, I kept telling myself what of if nobody wants to listen to me.

There are times when the Holy Spirit would be prompting us do some great and mighty works but we would be considering our qualifications, our class or standard – and by thinking as such; we defeat ourselves without taking up the challenges.

To overcome self limitations; follow God’s leading - however, whenever and whichever – until your good becomes better and your better becomes best.

Why? You carry the breath of God in you and His Spirit of creativity dwells within you.

There is this great potential in every creature of God. No other hearts beat like yours. There is no other fingerprint like yours. God crafted you as best as you should be. God planned your life for His purpose; you only need to appreciate God’s gifting in your life and trade with your talents.
For as long as you don’t use your fan as a video set and nobody uses the radio set as a stove. God cannot make a mistake about you. You are not an accident. Discover yourself and launch out fully.

Move! If you’ll make a move, God will turn the ordinary you into an extraordinary being. Everybody – including you – is born natural; we become supernatural by the things we do regularly and when God adds His value to our productivities, nothing can stop us.

From henceforth, keep on moving ... if you cannot fly, run. If you can’t run, walk. If you can’t walk, crawl. Just make sure you are always on the move to realising your dreams. Cheers!

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