Tuesday 13 February 2018

Life Transforming Lesson You Should Imbibe From Watching SOCCER

Soccer is one sport that combines several efforts; and when I say several – I mean many segments, sections, people or groups and so on are involved.

It is not a game of me, myself and I (Trinity of Self); many other things are factored in before it commands such a huge respect and adoration.

To make soccer match fascinating, several units and people are needed
1)    The Players (aka the teams)
2)   Coaches
3)   Trainers
4)   Physiotherapists
5)   Trainers
6)   Analysts
7)   Spectators
8)   Commentators
9)   Ball boys
10) Referees/umpires
11)  Linesmen/Assistant referees
12) Technical Directors
13) Football associations or coordinators

Some of the actors listed above are not known to most people – and yet they help in determining the outcome of a match or a team’s position on the league table.


1.     Truly, your life is yours. It was a gift of God and He expects you to make full use of it but your full potential cannot be expressed in isolation. You need people who may be for/against you to realise your full potentials.
2.    You need people to help you become better in life. Though, it is not good to be fully dependent on others, yet it is expected of you to lean your weaknesses on some others by being interdependent on them so that your full potentials can be realised.
3.    One tree cannot make a forest – even good players have at a time or the other credit their strengths on somebody or blame their weaknesses on others.
4.    If you want to become a winning sensation, you won’t be able to achieve your aims in isolation. You need people!

To be a great player:

a)    List those that have helped you come this far – both the positive and negative influences.
b)   Strike-out the names of those that have influenced your life/ventures negatively. Say goodbye to them now but don’t forget the lessons you have learnt from them.
c)    Did you include God in the list of your positive influencers? Get on your knees and thank Him for the gift of life and the benevolence of good ideas.
d)   Call or SMS two of the people on the positive side and say thanks to them.
e) List possible people you can include in your team and make a move towards recruiting them

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