Saturday 13 August 2016


Like every other year-planner, I set my goals for 2015 but I didn’t achieve all. Did you achieve all yours and if not, why?
As I did a down-to-earth evaluation of my life, I discovered certain syndromes that prevented me from achieving all of my 2015 goals and as it affected me, it did many others; you can learn from my mistakes and make drastic adjustments to channel a path for glorious achievements this year.

Just like Peter, I was sailing smoothly but the sooner I saw a challenge, the quicker I took my gaze off Jesus – and I began to sink. 
This year, I will only fix my gaze on Jesus and His promises - seeing His arms outstretched on the cross saying, ‘I love you this much!’ What about you?
Apostle Peter saw the storm and became afraid. What confronted you in 2015 that got you off-track?

Challenges, problems, situations and even goodies can shift our attentions from God and His promises. If we do not carefully navigate around the roadblock, we may not discover other routes and treasures behind the fence.
Guard your mind against distractions in order to enjoy the goodness of God.
Believe God wholeheartedly: When the Lord says something, believe it without doubting and whatever the devil or man says cannot hold for as long as it did not resonate with your mind. The Bible says, Guard your heart and mind jealously for out of it are the issues of life. Once your mind is crushed, your soul is affected and your spirit begins to dwindle.
Your mind is a dream field – don’t allow it to wander-off into wilderness, build in it your desired castle, dream your desired status in it and before long, you will reflect it.
Power of focus: Your mind will help you keep a perfect focus on God; and it works well if you understand the Scriptures.
Mind sharpens visions. If your eyes are focused, your body is full of light. Di-vision means double vision, double-mindedness or doubt. Nothing distracts faster than a dichotomised mind.
Anchor your life on the Word of God; That practice will take you higher. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light onto my path. Psalm 119:105

I thought I was always in-charge. I relied on my intellectual capabilities without considering my weaknesses and what the economic and social realities of life can do in limiting the achievement of my personal agendas. When those realities hit me; I was indignant. 
This year; I will consider my limitations, work on them and avoid ‘Identity Crisis’ as much as I can. 
I will only be myself as I crave my daily bread.
I will keep looking up to Jesus as I work towards my weekly and monthly goals.
I will not under-estimate the limiting factors but will still try to maximise my God-given potentials as I pursue my goals to a considerable extent.

On the night Jesus was betrayed, Apostle Peter had boasted that he would go all the way with his Master – even to the grave – but when the Roman soldiers arrested Christ, and Peter saw their hatred looks, heard their angry voices, and felt the shiver of their riotous torture, he denied his Master three times before cocks crowed at daybreak. That’s what reality can do! It can make you abandon your goals.
To achieve your goals;
Avoid Identity crisis: It can lead to ungodly comparison. It can frustrate your efforts, most especially when you have not really identified the values your personality can place on your individuality or when, like I did, have not factored in what realities of economical and social occurrences can do to a man.
Identity crisis leads to envy, craving what others have, neglecting your gifting, exalting others and belittling yourself for who you are. If you can’t avoid it, you will hate yourself.
Identify your uniqueness. Be yourself! Love yourself! There can be no other you. The cardiologists say no two hearts beat the same way and the pathologist claim there are no two equal finger-prints in the world. Brethren, God took His time to fashion you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are unique! You have the best feature and stature for your assignments. You can’t have better parents than the ones who begotten you and where you were born is the perfect birthplace for an angel like you. You are so special to God in a special way – so, enjoy where you are and celebrate who you are.

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