Thursday 6 June 2024



A farmer once took home a lion’s cub and reared him with the herd of his goats and sheep – and so was the cub’s mindset taken away; he never realised his potentials till he grew up.

Instead of roaring, he would bleat ... Instead of demonstrating royalty, he was foolish like a sheep ... Instead of being elegant, he was shabby ... Instead of exhibiting prowess, he was stubborn like goats.

Over and over, another lion in the community would come and terrorise the herd and all the animals would run away from the predator but one day, this farmer’s lion went to the stream to lap water when he saw the reflection of himself. At first he was jittery, thinking that the predator was about to pounce on him but with further experiments and closer examinations, he realised he was looking at himself – then he discovered who he was ... A LION; neither a sheep nor a goat.

After that experience, the terror lion appeared and as other animals escaped for their dear lives ... he roared back at the unfriendly predator. They roared at each other ... and he realised, he was not created to roam but to roar as wild cat. So he left the herd and followed his kind. He was a king of the jungle.

Your identity defines and repositions you. Your identity tells the world your personality and shows your ability.

What is your identity? For as long as Jacob saw himself as a fraudster, he remained a fugitive and until Gideon realised he was a mighty Warrior, he kept hiding in ignorance. Until you realise your individuality, you cannot accept your responsibility or celebrate your characteristics. You are unique!

Who are you? You are a Prince(ss) of God – your father owns the heaven and earth. Even the Prince(ss) of this world will not at any time fight on the street, dress shabbily or try to prove their worth to anyone because they know who they are.

Jesus knew who He was ... He says, “I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” Do you know who you are?


How have you let circumstances, medicine, economy or people define your identity?

What have you reduced yourself to by accepting the world’s appellations?

All things supplied; what will you prefer to be called?


“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light.” 2 Peter 2:9

Sunday 2 June 2024

The Power of Decision

Jesus whilst He was barely 12 years old asked His parents, “Don’t you know I must be about My Father’s business?” I am not surprised that before His crucifixion at 33, He had achieved a record that nobody can break till the end comes.

It is not that many of us are not determined enough; it is just that we lack decisions that prompt actions. We dream and procrastinate. We fantasize on lofty ideas without making any move – and a good idea without a corresponding action is as good as nothing.

A man who decides to be in Lagos Island by 8 am and set on a journey by 5 am will not only meet-up with his appointments, he will also return home on time. His endeavour for the day will be better than that of the man who is contemplating whether to go or not – who may find an excuse in the weather or traffic. 

What have you been pushing aside? You may not have the capabilities to start a big venture for now but you can still do a small venture in a big way. For example, if your plan is to pastor a mega-church – and the reality seems to be far away. Tomorrow morning, preach in the bus on your way to work or go to the nearest park and talk to the people there. Don’t forget that God actually promises, “If you get to the crossroad and you don’t know the next turn to take, you will hear a voice behind you saying this is the way walk in it.” He didn’t say, ‘Sit down and pray until you have clear understanding of the way to follow.’

Stop chasing nuggets ... being rich is not being fulfilled. Your future lies in your dream. Your prosperity is determined by the potency of your decisions. You are where you are at this moment because of the decisions you made in the past and you may still be in the same position if you do not make a progressive decision today.

The Bible is a comprehensive book comprising the stories of ordinary people like me and you performing extraordinary feats. Your life begins now but you’ve got to make a drastic decision NOW !

Before you sleep tonight ...
List all the things you have been shoving aside
Write your plans for tomorrow and put a time limit on each
Think about an easiest way to get yourself on the track for greatness.

May the Lord bless your mind in the mighty name of Jesus >>> Yomi-Abayomi


  A farmer once took home a lion’s cub and reared him with the herd of his goats and sheep – and so was the cub’s mindset taken away; he nev...