Sunday 4 December 2016


Make It A Rule

Whether it’s a small basket on top of the fridge for phones or three hours of device-free QT, don’t be afraid to lay down the law. It may be tough at first, but once everyone is untethered from the digital world, it’ll feel easier to get back to basics and remember the reason for the season.

Play Games

OK, so it doesn’t have to be good old-fashioned charades (although we do love Aunt Sally trying to act out Titanic after a few Merlots). There are a ton of parlor games—for big, small, unfocused or highly competitive groups—to add a little action into hanging by the fire.

Exercise Together

An easy way to feel less crummy after all those desserts and bond with the little bro? Go for a light jog together around the neighborhood, play a game of flag football or do some indoor yoga using your own personal Aaptiv instructor. There’s nothing like sweating and gossiping about Aunt Margie’s newest boyfriend together.

Hold Everyone Accountable

Making a big meal? Assign each family member a specific course to prepare and cook. They’ll have too much to do to even think about making a Snap Story. Oh, and if you really want to up the ante, ask everyone to vote for the best dish to spur some lighthearted family rivalry.

Break Out The Albums

Vinyl works too, but we’re talking old family photographs you haven’t gotten around to digitizing yet or the kids’ sweetest moments caught on home-video. Bust them out and let everyone fawn over all the striking similarities between Great-Uncle Jack and Little Timmy. 

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